About Us
Global Innovative Solutions is bringing sensible solutions to you. Beginning in the areas of road and transportation, construction, money services and energy, we intend to save you a lot of money while providing quality, sustainable, innovative and effective fulfillment of your needs. Typically most money is spent on building, maintenance, infrastructure and energy in communities and countries all across the world. We are here to change that. We believe an equal amount of our energies (and money) should be dedicated to people and the natural environment. Our selection of quality, affordable products will help you realize your dreams.
In addition to excellent products, we provide the information you need to do the work yourself, or we can provide assistance to help you find the help you need, either through referral, or by providing information about how to find someone to help you get work done properly.
Contact us now.
There is a larger, overarching, vision that is
manifesting to support the creation of a global network. Our work has
been a process of "bridge building" - utilizing new communication
technologies but basing our future efforts on the foundations which are
at the core of successful communities. Click Here
Our Commitment
To provide you the highest quality products and services that are re-making how things are done at all scales of human endeavor. You can be assured that absolute honesty, integrity and commitment based on the Ethic of Reverence for Life will be adhered to. (see Reverence for Life by Albert Schweitzer).